Doin’ The Canning – #3

A brief post to update on the Canning Stock Route boys adventure.

With some frustration and regret, there was a unanimous decision to turn eastward when we reached well 33 on the 12th of June and head for Alice Springs along the Gary Junction Road.

We are now back in Adelaide after a very enjoyable adventure.

There were a number of reasons, not the least of which was the realisation that at the speed that we were progressing, 2 of our team would not be back in Adelaide in time for some important commitments if we were to continue South on the stock route. Our Italian team member in particular had to catch a plane to return to Italy at a time that was proving impossible to meet. The last two days travelling south to well 33 saw an average speed of 18 km/h with the likelihood of no improvement for the next few wells at least.

So when I have better access to internet services and my own computer I will update with some detailed posts of our adventure. along with relevant photos.

Cheers for now


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